Summary Schedule
Detailed Schedule
Basics of Building Online Micro-services
Week 1: Service (Tuesday Oct 25)
- Introduction to the course: Overview of goals and expectations
- A brief introduction to online micro-services
- Tutorial: Introduction to building web services with ruby, sinatra and heroku
- Assignments:
Week 2: Data (Tuesday Nov 1)
- Why Data matters to microservices?
- Introduction to data formats and databases in microservices
- Tutorial: Working with ActiveRecord and SQLite
- Assignments:
Week 3: Interface (Tuesday Nov 8)
- Introduction to Designing Microinteractions
- Tutorial: Adding light-UIs and conversational interfaces through SMS and Twilio
- Assignment:
Week 4: Recap (Tuesday Nov 15)
Week 5: Slack (Tuesday Nov 22)
Week 6: Slack, OAuth and Twitter (Tuesday Nov 29)
- Rapid Review of Data Diagrams
- In Class Exercise II: Designing Personality
- Slackbots in depth.
- Tutorial: Building bots, services and interactions for Slack
- Introduction to Twitter and OAuth
- Skills Assignment: Submit the Skills Dev: Slackbot. Due: Tuesday Dec 6, noon.
- Final Project Preparation: Implement an experience prototype Due: Tuesday Dec 6, noon.
Office Hours: Advanced Topics
- Tutorial: Sending and receiving email from your app.
- Tutorial: Building bots, services and interactions for Twitter
Applied Exploration
Week 7: Alexa (Tuesday Dec 6)
- Rapid Review: Experience Prototype Demos
- Introduction to Voice Interactions and Amazon’s Alexa
- Tutorial: Building bots, services and interactions for Alexa
- Skills Assignment: Submit the Skills Dev AlexaBot. Due: Tuesday Dec 6, noon.
- Desk Crits and Reviewing Proposals for Creative Projects / In Class work on Creative Projects
Final Review (Monday Dec 12)
Students will prepare a digital presentation and showcase outcomes from the course for invited guests. Each group will be given 15 minutes to present their work (including a technical demonstration of prototypes) with 15 minutes for a response from invited critics.
TBC - Provisional Schedule as follows:
- 2:00-4:00pm ET – 4612 Forbes Avenue
Final documentation and deliverables will be due on Thursday December 15th (midnight) and should respond to feedback from guest critics.
Note: This schedule (and the modules described) may be subject to change at any time.