Course Policies

tl;dr: Course policies outline grading scales, that you should keep process documentation, you are responsible for your own work and that it's of the highest academic integrity, there is no course fee but project cost are your own, and good attendance is required (no more than 3 absenses).


All work must be submitted or presented by the deadline. Late work will not be accepted.

This course will assign largely independent projects but may also accomodate group based projects. For independent projects, all work submitted must represent a distinct product by that individual and may not be produced in partnership with any peer within the class. Group projects allow for collaboration but expect that all members contribute to the final work equally. Work submitted for assessment in one class may not be submitted in full or in part for assessment in a second class.

Please visit the section on grading for a full description.

Process Documentation

Students are expected to maintain good documentation of their work process throughout the course. It is recommended that all students should maintain a journal (notebook, blog, etc) and regularly photograph (or video) their creative work as it is being prepared. Students will be asked to share this documentation with the instructor as part of regular assignments and graded outcomes.

Required Texts

There are no required texts for this class. Optional readings will be provided and suggested.

Hardware and Software

Projects may require the use of specialized software and/or hardware. A range of tools will be made available to students e.g. videoconferencing technologies, iBeacons, microcontrollers, and software. Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the tools available as early as possible (see below).

Facilities and Lab Use

The course will use the Integrated Innovation Institute facilities. Students are required to comply with the policies and procedures for the space use.

This is a shared space used by your colleagues and by other classes. The maintenance of the studio is the responsibility of the students i.e. students should clean up the studio as they use it and leave it in good working condition for others.

As part of the course we will make available some tools, parts and consumable components for use in your projects. These are available for reasonable use only and abuse of this resource will result in loss of access. All tools, parts, etc must be returned at the end of the semester.

For some of the assignments, students maybe be required to use specific equipment, hardware or software. Where possible, all required equipment (hardware, components, etc.) will be made available for these assignments (see below). If particular equipment is needed, let the instructor know.

Useage/Lab Fee

There are no fees associated with this course. Required hardware and software for this course will either be freely accessible, open source or provided i.e. base tools and technologies will be provided to support explorations.

Beyond these and if students wish to use other resources this will be at their discretion but students will be expected to cover these project costs individually.

Data Loss

Students are responsible for their own work. Work lost to due computer error, portable media error, or personal error is the responsibility of the student and will not be an excuse for late or missing work. At the end of the semester all students may be required to submit all work incl. source code, process documentation, etc. Do not discard original files of any assignment and the use of github or other source management solutions is recommended.


Plain and simple, you should be in every class. You shouldn’t expect to receive a passing grade without regular attendance.

If you need to miss a class for any reason, inform the instructor before the class if possible, and/or after the missed class. More than one unexcused absence will adversely affect your participation grade (see section on grading). There’s a difference between excused and unexcused absenses. In most cases where you give some prompt or early notice, it’s considered an excused absense.


Students must notify faculty in advance of planned absence for religious holiday or school-related event (i.e. varsity sports trip). If you have an unplanned absence for medical or personal reasons, let the faculty know of your situation as soon as possible. In case of an extended absence for medical or personal reasons, contact the Senior Academic Advisor by mail, e-mail or phone, who will notify the appropriate faculty. Faculty reserve the right to request a formal document verifying a medical excuse.

Contact the instructor before class if it’s possible and if not within 24 hours.If you have a planned, professional absense or will be attending a or school-related event (i.e. varsity sports trip), let us know as early as possible.

In all cases where you’ve missed a class, you’re responsible for understanding the course content and future deliverables.


Lateness will also negatively effect your participation grade. Remember that any lateness affects the whole class.Being on time allows class to start promptly and for us to focus on your work. You are expected to be a responsible and good member of the learning community.


Students are expected to attend all classes. During class times, students are expected to give their full attention to the class materials, discussions and seminars. Students found to be consulting non-class related material, using their mobile phone or engaged in social networking will be immediately deemed absent.

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is expected at all time. Carnegie Mellon has a established as well-defined policy on this subject which can be found at:

It is the responsibility of the student to verse themselves with these policies. All necessary and appropriate sanctions will be issued to all parties involved with plagiarizing any and all course work. Plagiarism and any other form of academic dishonesty that is in violation with these policies will not be tolerated.