Creative Projects - Technical Experiment

tl;dr; Build on your project research and experiment with using one new gem / code snippet and adapting it to your project. Document how its used and report it to the class.

Creative Projects: Experiment

With an investigation of resources complete, there should hopefully be some immediate opportunities for you to leverage one or more of them. As part of this exercise you’ll do exactly that. You’ll try out one of the gems, code snippets or solutions you’ve uncovered and see if it’s a match for what you want to do.


Select one of the gems, code snippets or services you want to incorporate into your application.

Spend no more than 2 hours, trying out how to work with it. Do some experiments of being able to access the API, or filter the information you want, etc etc. Do a simple quick test of the technical approach to evaluate how easy or hard it’s going to be to include in your final project.

You should

  • Start with a template application (one that already exists)
  • Try to incorporate it don’t worry about doing it right. Do it quick. Test it out. Hack it together. Don’t worry about perfect outcomes.
  • Remember it’s only a quick experiment.
  • Document what you’ve learned.

You don’t have to submit anything for this part.

Develop a Guide

Using this technical experiment, contribute one brief technical tutorial that describes what you’ve learned and how someone else might apply it in their own work. This is a way to help develop expertise, reflect on what you’ve learned as part of your explorations with the web programming, and to contribute something useful back to the class as a whole.

See the full description in: Guides

Submitting your work

Submit your work as a guide to your student repo. See Guides