Summary Schedule
Week (Beginning) |
Module and Activities |
Module 1: Design |
1 (Oct 27) |
Introduction to the Course and Problem Space |
2 (Nov 3) |
Review of Progress; Desk Crits |
Module 2: Development |
3 (Nov 10) |
Review of Design Research and Proposals |
4 (Nov 17) |
Desk Crits of Prototypes |
5 (Nov 24) |
No classes, Thanksgiving break |
Module 3: Deployment |
6 (Dec 1) |
Prototypes presentation + Evaluation plan |
7 (Dec 8) |
Evaluation Report outs |
Final (Dec 12) |
Final Revew; TBC |
Detailed Schedule
Week 1: Introductions (Thursday Oct 27)
Due: Precedents Assignment
- Introduction to the course and structure (15 minutes):
- Reviewing the brief, overview of goals and expectations (30 minutes)
- Review of Precedent Assignment (1 hour)
- Group Discussion (30 minutes): Module 1 assignments discussion; forming groups
- In Class Exercise: Team Breakout and Brainstorming
Assignments: Rapid Design Research
- Auto-Ethnography: document your experiences and pain points collaborating/working over distance
- Complete design research to include: user research and interviews, precedent identifications, and material/object inventories.
- Develop synthesis presentation
Week 2: Design Research (Thursday Nov 3)
- Guest lecture (1 hour): Stakeholder Needs for Distance Learning (TBC)
- Student Presentations (30 minutes): Lightning reports on Synthesis of Findings
- Desk Crits (30 mins per group): Reviewing Research and Discussing Directions
- Brainstorm and propose a 3-5 of potential technology interventions that could be used to solve pain points.
- Prepare a detailed proposal for one technology led intervention
- Complete any additional design research and compile findings and recommendations for end of module report
Week 3: Proposals (Thursday Nov 10)
- Guest lecture (1 hour): Tools and Technologies for Distance Learning (TBC)
- Student Presentations (1.5 hour) Review of Design Research and Proposals
- Group Discussion (30 mins): Module 2 Assignment - Developing Prototypes
- Implement a rapid prototype of proposed intervention by the next class.
Week 4: Prototypes (Thursday Nov 17)
- Guest lecture (1 hour): Tools and Technologies for Distance Learning (TBC)
- Student Presentations (15 minutes): Lightning report outs on prototypes + demo of prototype ( < 5 mins per team)
- Desk Crits (30 mins per team): Review of Prototype implementation
Week 5: No Class (Thursday Nov 24)
Thanksgiving Break
- Continue work on prototype
- Submit Documentation of the technical implementation
Week 6: Evaluation (Thursday Dec 1)
- Guest lecture (1 hour): Evaluating educational technology in context; TBC (1 hour)
- Student Presentations (1 hour): Live demo of prototypes/interventions presented by student teams (15 mins per group)
- Group Discussion (1 hour): Developing an Evaluation Strategy for the prototypes - How to test success?
- Design and develop a lightweight strategy for assessing the prototype in a learning context
- Deploy it with users in a learning environment and document the outcomes.
- Prepare a draft of the final report
Week 7: Report (Thursday Dec 8)
- Student Presentations (1 hour): Report out on user experience / evaluation outcomes.
- Desk Crits (25 mins per group) - Reviewing each teams draft report
- Group discussion (30 mins) - Wrap / next steps
- Prepare final documentation and revise report
- Prepare oral presentation and demonstration for final review.
Final Review (Monday Dec 12)
Students will prepare a digital presentation and showcase outcomes from the course for invited guests. Each group will be given 15 minutes to present their work (including a technical demonstration of prototypes) with 15 minutes for a response from invited critics.
TBC - Provisional Schedule as follows:
- 4:30-6:30pm ET – 4612 Forbes Avenue
- 1:30-3:30pm PT – TBD Silicon Valley Classroom
Final documentation and deliverables will be due on Thursday December 15th Friday December 16th (midnight) and the report should respond to feedback from guest critics.
Note: This schedule (and the modules described) may be subject to change at any time.