Week 1 - Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Brief: Bring in one example of what you think is exciting example of technology that could be applied in distance learning scenarios

Due: October 27th. To be discussed in class.

You should find and document one example of an exciting, new or compelling technology, prototype or demonstration that can be used in distance learning scenarios and are relevant to the brief for this course. This could include a research paper, underlying technology, video explanation and concepts, speculations, etc.

You are to research and report the example, its relevance to this course and the brief, the technologies and processes which enable it and how it has been or could be applied in the context of this course.

Learning Objective

As part of the exercise, students will:

  • build familiarity with projects that are relevant to the course and to distance-learning;
  • identify and critically review precedent projects that relate to the course;
  • helped co-create a set of exemplars to draw on as part of their own explorations;
  • increase their ability to describe the domains of distance learning and technology enhanced learning.


  • Add your documented example to the #share as a new post on slack (see below).
  • Contribute one slide to present it in class (this is available on Slack.)

A template and suggested questions is provided to help guide your documentation below.


  • No two students may submit the same work. Claim early.
  • Avoid examples already in the Resources section of the course site.

Starting points

To help guide your exploration, a list of potential places to find this kind of work is provided.

Note: This is by no means an exhaustive list. You should explore beyond these!

Submitting your work:

You’ll submit your precedents on Slack. Each discovery should be submitted separately.

To submit your work:

  • Open Slack and navigate to the #share channel
  • In the text box (bottom), click the + on the left hand side. Choose the option to ‘Create a new post’
  • In the post editor, the title should match the name of the project
  • Add some text about your discovery. This should start with: a) link(s) to the project website b) a list of original creators/artists, c) relevant images or embed videos (see below).
  • When you have added your post, click the Share button on the top right.

Template and documentation

In each post, embed a video and/or images of the project, and write a short critical reflection on the project (about 200 words) in which you:

  1. Overview: Briefly describe the project (a couple of sentences) and who made it.
  2. Rationale: Describe why you selected the project (what is interesting, inspirational, innovative, etc. about it)
  3. Implementation: Unpack the example in terms of the how it was made (execution, tools, technologies) and why it was made (context, intent, concept)
  4. Relevance: Describe why you believe it’s an important or exciting example for this course / of distance learning technology.
  5. If appropriate: Critique the project - what are its shortcomings; how could it be made better; what did they get right; and what didn’t they get right and why; are there concerns raised by the analysis or representation, etc.
  6. Related work: Draw relationships to other work: What inspired or informed it? How does it compare to other work? Why is it influential and what has it influenced?
  7. Application: Finally, detail how it might be applied in our scenario i.e. how does it relate to our brief?

Remember: Create a separate post for each example.