
Suggest additions by email or on slack.

Resources, Projects, Examples, etc.


Art Museums and Archives


Conferences and Gatherings

Creative Coding Galleries


Books and References

A set of art and new media readings can be found at:

See also the Readings section for many more texts, articles and readings you can look at.

Resources By Module

Module 1


Summaries of Major 20th Century Art Movements

Online Examples


Discover 20th century artists here:

Some specific Artists:




BBC - The Rules Of Abstraction With Matthew Collings

Time Travel Back to 1926 and Watch Wassily Kandinsky Create an Abstract Composition

15 Minutes on Copyright Infringement and Fair Use, with a particular focus on appropriation art.

BBC Documentary on Warhol

Talks worth watching

As you start to think about your role in this course. It’s worth watching Zach Leiberman talk about hybridity around technology, art and computation…

Module 2

Spreadable Media and Net Art

Internet-based Art

Worth Watching

Everything is a Remix Remastered

Internet Forms

Memes and Viral Content
Critical Browsing + Tactical Surfing
Mashups and Remixes

More examples at

Crowdsourced Mashups/Remixes

Footage and Sample Resources

There is a tonne of creative commons content on Flickr and Vimeo - there’s literally millions of videos! There’s also a huge list on creative commons content and audio too. Don’t forget:

Wikipedia has for a list of public domain (no rights issues) movies.. See also: ; and

For audio check out: and has public domain audio books. There’s also a lot of speaches and talks in the public domain . Many talks from conferences are also creative commons or public domain.

For images, check out Flickr and apply the creative commons filter when you search.

Module 3

As always this is not exhaustive… but here’s lots of stuff to look at.

People to know / look at

Places to Look

Good starting places to find more examples are:

There are more examples included below. Also check the resources section for the warmup and creative project for this module.

Tutorials and Guides

Talks worth watching

A lot of content from EyeO, Resonate and Inst-Int is really relevant. Check them out. Here are a handful of talks on media installations that I think you’ll get a lot from:

A Conversation with Robert Irwin

Projection + New Media Projects

omote / real-time face tracking & projection mapping

Urban Intervention Projects

Other (Non-Media) Installation Projects

Just Something Beautiful

Useful Creative Computing Tools

Module 4


Emergent Performances

Motion Banks


New media


Groups & Companies



Documentaries on Movement and Performance

Talks worth watching

A lot of content from EyeO, Resonate and Inst-Int is really relevant. Check them out. Here are a handful of talks on media installations that I think you’ll get a lot from:

Module 5

There are no additional resources for this module. You should independently research and explore relevant content. Refer to the resources from the previous modules as a starting point in this exploration.